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Category : METALS / ALLOYS / SCRAP   
Offer No. Picture Product Name Price (US$) Location Brief Description
11601 Copper Wire varios Santos Copper Wire
11502 No Picture various forging parts na na Steel forgings, custom forged parts
11487 No Picture Steel Turniture 00 San Francisco Steel Turniture
11281 No Picture Steel Coils please contact Japan Steel Coil(Prime Over-rolled/2nd Choice)
11140 No Picture BRASS INGOTS AND PROFILES 1.9 Euro / Kg Jebel Ali Brass ingots and al Brass products
11139 No Picture Steel semi products depends AWSP steel sheets, coils, plates, stainless, tubes, pipes
11067 shaped wire negotiable Korean port We are specialied in shaping wire
10855 Fret wires for musical instrument negoptiable Korean port precision-shaped fret wires for musical instrument
10854 Miniature (toy) rails for miniature train negotiable Korean port precision-shaped wires for toy rails
10853 Y-Zip (Zipper wire shaped) negotiable Korean port manufacturer of raw materials for zipper wire made in the shape of Y-type zip
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